Anthology of Croatian popularization of natural sciences

In addition to the fact that the transfer of parts of the texts gives the book a credible documentary quality, the book as a whole, with its very understandable and clear content, appears as a coordinated work. In order from the initial, easy natural science knowledge to the most difficult ones, the reader does not have any major difficulties, i.e. they are almost not noticeable. The writer develops a train of thought that is consistent with the train of ideas that guided the popularizers themselves. The general commentary on the selected text is enriched with the author’s interesting and witty remarks and remarks. With tireless creative effort, the author has collected and systematically studied valuable material, which required enormous effort. Readers eager for knowledge about the historical development of the popularization of natural science in Croatia will be able to appreciate this successful work.

Dr. sc. Branko Hanžek

I believe that the book could be very attractive to the widest possible audience, but it will primarily be of use to all those who deal, or intend to deal, with science communication. I am not only referring to popularizers of science, but also to teachers and lecturers, and to all who want (and feel the need) to develop the ability to present and interpret scientific topics in a clear and interesting way. Since a similar book has never existed in our country, it can be said that its publication is of great social interest.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. sc. Vladimir Stilinović

Naslov:Anthology of Croatian popularization of natural sciences

Year of publishing: 2025

Uvez: meki

Br. izdanja: 1

Format: 155 x 230 mm

ISBN: 978-953-8178-34-4

Kategorija: Popular science

Stranica: 224

Cijena 19,00 €

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